Wow was this post literally made for me? Struggling to find my purpose as well ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'll try to make this as concise as possible! I went back to making cheese a job I loved and was extremely passionate about ( and a job I had previously left to explore making more money- turns out making more money made me more miserable because I had no time to do what I wanted) I was a dog nanny (hands down best job) but that dog moved back to London and they got me my own dog as a gift. Once they left I took on more cat sitting and dog walking, which orginally I had started so that I had more time for my writing and running. But it came to a point where as much as I love cats and dogs, it's weird to watch people's animals all the time because they are on vacation and you literally can't leave the city, and I want to walk my own dog. So I went back to cheese which was amazing and glorious until they laid us all off :/ I still walk dogs and have some cats here and there, but have tried to put up more boundaries mostly with the lady who gives me cat jobs because I have other shit to do. There's also other things that have been taken away from me that I don't feel like making public at the moment, but I honeslty just feel like the universe is telling me to focus on my writing and my running. Am I making millions? No but I can pay rent and work on my writing. Is it ideal? Porbbably not, but I have worked extremely hard since I was 16 and I don't resent that, but at the same time I know I'm probably delulu thinkning running and writing can make me money and pay the rent in the future- but also is it totally delusional to believe in the dream and take this time to put in more work towards that.... I don't even know if I am asking for advice or lamenting, but regardless thanks fo listening!!

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Nov 13, 2023ยทedited Nov 13, 2023Author

Hi Joy, thanks for reaching out. I totally get your conundrum, so here's my take: It sounds like, at the moment, you're able to afford a roof over your head, food to eat, and your basic human needs, which is very important. When those things are out of whack, it's hard to focus on what really lights you up inside. It's also great to hear that you can clearly identify the things that you truly love to do: Making cheese, running, and writing. If your body and your mind are telling you to slow your pace and give up the chase of money, perhaps listen to it. Don't allow the loud echoing booms of our delightful capitalist society to bully you into chasing a job you don't want. It's not delulu to think you could make money from anything, I mean, look at these people making money simply by filming themselves doing little dances on TikTok, I'm sure at one point that seemed delulu too, but I have a feeling they just did it because they enjoyed it and that joy was so authentic that others got joy from it too and that audience enabled the flow of cash to come. So don't think about the money as an endgame but more like a byproduct of being in alignment with who you are and the flow of the Universe because she is truly abundant.

In short, take the break you feel you need. Run, write, make cheese (if you can), do it with all your heart and joy, and see what happens. What have you got to lose?

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wow I am hanging this on my vision board, this is the greatest advice I have ever gotten! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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it was truly my pleasure!! โค๏ธ

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